What could be an ICE new name?

The Peppermint Team has been building the replacement for ICE, it is a bit of a different direction than the legacy ICE SSB Application, it is not required to have a specific web browser installed. And it is database managed rather than file based managed.

Since the direction is a bit different for ICE, we are contemplating a new name for the ICE replacement. What would be a good replacement name ? For the ICE SSB Application

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Javier

    Web Apps. Just that. I would promote it as a means for building your own apps for every service Linux lacks (about everyone that exists …). Netflix? HBO? Facebook client? Evernote? Word? … Serve yourself
    It is one of the greatest ideas in the Linux world. Appalling that so few realice it! So kudos to you (and Mint). A pity doesn’t work that well outside Peppermint though.
    PS. Windows has filed many gaps supporting, then actively promoting web apps as regular ones in the store. Has widened the ecosystem greatly

    1. grafiksinc

      Thanks! for the great info good Idea

  2. DaveB

    It’s your signature app. How about Pepperminter? It would be much easier to remember, lol.

  3. NOC

    I say have fun with wikipedia, wiktionary, and name games to find a good name.
    How about watermint? Like ICE melted and got more minty. I found it in the wikipedia page for the plant ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppermint ).

    Hah just noticed that the name’s been picked already. Kumo is sweet. Oh well, I’ll post this anyway

    1. grafiksinc

      NOC – Thank you so much for suggesting though… its almost ready a few bits of code and we can release it..

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