Peppermint Classic

This Christmas marks the one-time release of Peppermint Classic, a modern re-creation of Peppermint 10, atop Debian! Whether it be an itch of nostalgia, or a preference for the old UI, Peppermint Classic has you covered. Great care has been taken to ensure functionality and where not possible sensible alternatives were used. It was a fun exercise reverse-engineering this gift for you.

We hope you enjoy using it as much we enjoyed building it. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, Pepperminters!”

Note: These are based on Debian Bookworm. In terms of updates and lifecycle, they will follow the same schedule as Debian. As for Peppermint specific updates these are released as is, since it is a one-time release, although you can always get support out on our forums

64 bit Classic32 bit Classic
SourceForge sha256 checksumSourceForge sha256 checksum

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. TechieSaru

    This is absolutely amazing! I am truly grateful to see a revival of the work that Mark did for Peppermint as it was one linux distro that I felt gave me exactly what I wanted from an OS.

    Unfortunately, I noticed a pretty glaring oversight in Pepperment Classic: The “Open in Terminal” action is non-functional. The reason for this is because the string value for “org.cinnamon.desktop.default-applications.terminal” needs to be set to “sakura”. It would be really nice if this was addressed.

    1. David

      Installed this on my dual Pentium 3 box and love it for some reason I had issues installing using the btrfs filesystem but will install using ext4 other then that runs great. Uses about 500mb on idle out of 3.45gb of ram.

  2. John Faulk

    Hi Techie! Classic’s maintainer here.

    Sorry about the issue! Its strange, it seemed to work during my tests…I will ensure this is addressed in the next rebuild of the ISO!

    Glad to hear you’re enjoying Classic otherwise! I’ll keep you posted!

  3. Giov216

    I just installed Peppermint Classic, it works well , I really appreciate the work done !

    1. grafiksinc

      Really happy to hear… thank you so much!

  4. Constantine

    It’s the best edition of Peppermint OS! Do it forever!

    1. grafiksinc

      That is really nice to hear, that you are enjoying the classic. Thank you!

  5. Chris

    Speaking of classic, I have a strange and wild question. Is there a theme out there for the original Peppermint theme when it was LXDE?

  6. scott

    If you want touse Compiz, you need to dload and install MATE or compiz will not run correctly. Other than that, this distro is super stable! i have MX, Mint and win10 on this machine, but i prefer this OS to any other! Thank you guys for creating and sharing this. I hope you guys can make aan Xfce version. I installed the Xfce DE, but compiz still made huge windows trails on the desktop. Xfce on MX and Mint work well with compiz. LXDE is great tho. Conkky runs well. I dloaded MXConky Manager! Wow, Great distro! The Mate DE has always been a favorite, This Distro does MATE justice!!!

  7. Maya

    What is its DE? lxde or xfce? What is the file manager? pcmanfm or nemo?

    1. grafiksinc

      xfce and the filemanager I thunar.

  8. Bank Soal UT

    Thank you for your awesome linux OS, very useful for me

  9. Erik

    Couldn’t you guys at least add some measly pictures of the fantastic Peppermint Classic. Wanted to see how it looked before downloading.

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