Build and Repo VPS Migration – May 12 2024

On May 12th, our VPS host will be undergoing a migration to new racks within the data center.

This migration is crucial to ensure the ongoing reliability and performance of the services HostColor provides. However, it may lead to intermittent unavailability of the Peppermint repositories throughout the day.

We sincerely apologize for any disruptions this may cause and want to assure you that we will strive to keep the downtime to a minimum. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this scheduled maintenance, please let us know. Your feedback is invaluable, and we are here to assist you in any way we can.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we work towards better infrastructure and services for the entire Peppermint community.

Peppermint Team

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Zperkn

    Unrelated to the topic above, but is it possible for the future Debian 13 to add in the Peppermint Hub a GUI Software Updater that would make it easier to upgrade from 12 Bookworm to the new one. Something similar to what Ubuntu uses where it can detect when the latest version is available and it does everything for you and you reboot to the newest. Tinkering in the terminal is very tedious work a GUI solution would help if you have fear of breaking somehing.

    1. grafiksinc

      We have been working on one…. its still in the buggy stage….. yep it has been on our todo. Thanks!

  2. Rob

    I am very happy with the direction of Peppermint OS. The only thing I dislike is its difficult, out of the box to easily move items from a storage USB to files like Video, photos and things like that. But otherwise, its fantastic, and I see a good future.

    1. grafiksinc

      Rob thanks! for the kind words and encouragement . With your struggle with moving files, could you share that on the forums when you get a free moment. We would like to dig into that a bit more. But again thank you so much!

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