Big “Thank You” to all involved

Peppermint SixTeam Peppermint would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the planning, development, testing, and promotion of Peppermint Six.

This includes all the forum moderators, trusted users, beta testers, website developers, graphic artists, and anyone else that contributed on any level .. without whom the changes implemented in Peppermint Six would have been limited in scope, longer in development, less tested, and/or simply not possible.

You know who you are, so give yourselves a big pat on the back .. Peppermint Six would not be here but for your stellar input.


Kindest regards

Team Peppermint

This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. Eduardo Vitorio

    Congratulations to everyone who contributed to this great distro!

  2. RonD

    Thanks for providing the useful links in Chapter 6. A lot of effort put into reading documentation can go a long, long way. Peppermint 6 looks like the best version yet of a very user-friendly, useful OS. Thanks for
    providing this.

  3. linuxass

    Very, very nice! Thankyou.

    This is a well thought out OS. Everything I need is easy to install but more importantly; everything works flawlessly.

  4. luis

    thanks to everyone to make this fantastic distro, the best LXDE distro

  5. Zebediah Boss

    Great OS. Everything just works. Thank You.

    1. Mark Greaves

      You’re most welcome Zebediah Boss .. and thank you, we appreciate the feedback :)

  6. Pierre Filiatreault

    WOW! I run Lubuntu, Mint (Cinnamon and Mate) and Xubuntu on many machines. But with Peppermint 6, I found the perfect distro for so many usages. It really is a great achievement. Thanks for a job well done. The improvements since the last version turn this distro from a curiosity to a daily driver.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks very much Pierre, we’re happy you like it .. cheers for the feedback :)

  7. Francis

    Good evening.

    Peppermint not of support UEFI?

  8. Mark Greaves

    We are about to release a respin with working UEFI/Secureboot support VERY soon .. thanks for your patience :)

    If you’d like further info, please ask at the forum:

  9. penguinfordinner

    This is, hands down, the best light weight distro out there. Well done! Thanks a million.

    1. Mark Greaves

      We’re happy you think so, and thanks for the feedback.

      Penguin for dinner, followed by Peppermint eh! .. would you like a WINE with that ?

  10. penguinfordinner

    Ha ha … No WINE for me. Never used it and never will. Even the bottled variety turns my stomach.

    Using Nemo for file manager was pure genius. I’ve always found Thunar and PcmanFm lacking. After all, file manager is the backbone of the operating system.

  11. Ken Field

    This distro is just great I had an old dell desktop that only seem to be useful for puppy Linux but after installing peppermint waw it just rocked thanks to the team.

  12. Mark Greaves

    Thanks for the kind words Ken, we’re glad to hear you’re enjoying Peppermint :)

  13. Ventsislav

    Lol guys I love you!!! Best distro, I can’t believe mix between mint and lubuntu! Two of my favorite distro in one place! Pappermint forever! :) Thanks a lot, be healthy.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks very much Ventsislav, you’ve probably guessed Mint and Lubuntu are also two of our favourites.

  14. Paul Stevens

    Hi Peppermint team ive tried and tested so many linux distros which on whole ok but peppermint 6 is the only one ive had no issues to date been running it since it came out top job keep up this great distro i think the distro hopping has finally ended

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks Paul, we’re happy to have you aboard .. if you haven’t already why not stop in at the forum and say hello, there’s a friendly bunch over there :)

  15. Robert Kiebasiński

    Peppermint I love you!!!!!!!! Poland Love Peppermint

    1. Mark Greaves

      We love you too Poland :)

  16. Mike Romero

    After distro hopping for the last couple of years I have finally found one I can absolutely live with and run as my primary OS. Peppermint not only looks nice, it just works and accomplishes every task I throw at it. The only time I touch my windows 10 machines now is to turn them on to get updates. Hey DistroWatch, list this distro in the number 1 slot as for as I’m concerned.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Cheers Mike, we’re happy to hear you’re enjoying it, as long as you guys like the distro the Distrowatch rankings aren’t so important and will no doubt come with time .. Thanks for taking the time to leave your kind feedback :)

  17. Joseph Dickson

    I’ve been running Six on my system since it’s release and couldn’t be happier.

  18. Mark Greaves

    Thanks Joseph, and if you are who I think you are thanks for taking part and helping us squash some bugs in the Peppermint 6 beta test .. MUCH appreciated :)

  19. giovanni sanna

    peppermint è fantastico . è veramente veloce con firefox+ ublock origin. chromium l ho disinstallato ( odio google ).

    1. Mark Greaves

      Felice di sentire che si sta godendo Peppermint Giovanni :)

  20. Marius Laurent

    bonjour, oui Peppermint est vraiment excellente comme distro, je l’installe chez des gens qui en ont marre de windows et sa fonctionne dans la plus par des cas, si non c’est Manjaro, mais avec Peppermint 6 c’est niquel, merci et continué votre super boulot.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Vous êtes les bienvenus, nous sommes heureux que vous appréciez Peppermint

      1. Marius Laurent

        merci … vivement la suite …….

  21. norbert kallscheidt

    peppermint linux is fast, efficient and reliable, super

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks for the kind words Norbert, we’re happy you enjoy Peppermint.

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