Jason Evangelho Senior Contributor at Forbes expresses excitement for our upcoming release of Peppermint OS.

Peppermint 10 Default Desktop
Jason Evangelho Senior Contributor at Forbes expresses excitement for our upcoming release of Peppermint OS.
Is this based on Ubuntu 20.4 ?
Peppermint OS 11 will be based on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fosa
When will be release peppermint os 11
Pls telll us
Peppermint 11 is currently in development. We don’t have a release day set yet.
Lets go. Use us beta testers. I’ve been doing beta since whistler(XP). Well. That was the end of me and Billy but I beta everything else. Especially Debian flavors. I DO report and often fix things myself and show the changes like I did LMDE4/Clem. Just make sure these morons dont do YT vids of Betas.
As Peppermint 11 is based on Ubuntu 20.04, will it still run on 32-bit machines?
Hi Lars, I can’t speculate as I’m not on the development team.
Is this still in development?
Yes, we’re still working on Peppermint 11.
I hope it will not be using the snap system that is reason I’m looking at Peppermint. Snaps remind me of the terrible things that happened in the 70’s when exhaust recirculation reduced the power of 400hp V8’s to 190hp poor performing V*’s in a single change. This seems to be what snaps have done to Ubuntu 20.04.
just cant wait for Peppermint 11
Peppermint 10 is close to perfect for me
Ohhh this is exciting. I’m such a huge fan of this Distro.. It’s my goto for older machines. Tech wise, I don’t really think it needs much.. I do, however, wish design was a bit more modern. A more modern paint on top of this incredible base.. would be something else!
I’ve been doing linux like, o I dunno, 15 years maybe. I’m not a DE guy, openbox all the way. That being said, I do try out DE’s and as far as I am concerned, this is absolutely top notch.I really hope you guys find the energy to get the 20.04 version going. However, if due to some reason that wouldn’t happen, it would be awesome if you guys would the instructions on how to build it available on the web. I tried it on Sid, using an lxsession as base and it got me pretty far but not all the way. Had to change a bit like using feh instead of nitrogen etc… Still, I DO hope you find the courage to release version 11 cause the project is a great one. Greets, J.
I agree with the above comment, or also a driver manager like linux mint, when I tried the latest version of mint it allowed me to install the realtek drives with no faffing about, right off the bat, not sure if it is because latest version of linux mint is baed on 20.04 or not, but it was definitely easier to be able to install the drivers in the install process, rather than connect to ethernet and tethering, and then install the drivers in the terminal. I will still wait for version 11 however, with anticipation!
Peppermint has been my favorite linux since P7 and am now using P10 on my PC.
Are there any indications of what’s going to be different and new on P11?
Your guess is as good as mine. Although I’m involved in the forums I haven’t been working the development side. I kinda want to experience it with everyone else.
I can’t wait for peppermint 11!
Best distro I have tried so far. Package management is awesome. Handles dependencies very well. Very few broken and/or held package problems even with third party apps. Haven’t had any major problems with it yet. I’m so satisfied with it, I am ready to image the partition just so I have a stable and reliable backup. Keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see what 11 looks like. Gnome software center needs a bit of work though. It tends to make things a bit sluggish and the other software center seems not to list all the items I would like to install…(unless you’re using Synaptic, of course. LOL.)
Will it be possible to upgrade from 10 to 11 or we need clean install?
It will probably require a clean installation as it’s a step from 18.04 to 20.04
I have been using Linux Pepermint and Linux Mint (XFCE) on two similar machines. Both are very light and but I still prefering Pepermint and I found it is more intuitive to configure.
Is there a way we can track the Peppermint OS 11’s development progress?
It will be released this spring this year or nothing of peppermint 11????
Seems like peppermint is gone and not coming back. Mint took the best feature, the ice apps, and integrated it into their own. Best case scenario, Peppermint’s Franken-desktop becomes and option for Mint. Second worst case, Peppermint becomes a theme for mint xfce. Worst worst case, Peppermint is gone and never coming back. It’s been the one distro over the years that I always come back to, and now I’m sad to say I’m sure it’s all over. Poor Mark, I loved his work, his distro over the years, and now it seems to be all for naught.
We’re still working on Peppermint 11 and currently alpha testing it among our trusted users. Mark was our sole developer so yeah progress has been slowed. For instance, not only was he our sole developer but he managed the website and forum as well. Fortunately, I was able to step up and help manage the websites while our core contributors keep working towards the next release. That said we’re currently in Alpha testing of Peppermint 11 but don’t have a release date. We intend to release when it’s ready.
Well, why wouldn’t they say then that the release will be next year when ubuntu 22.04 new LTS comes out and peppermint 11 will be based on ubuntu 22.04 and that’s it folks
True. Probably something similar will happen with ElementaryOS 6 as well.
I am really waiting for Peppermint 11 for a long time but also for a long time there are no more news concerning the new version of Peppermint.
My guess is, it will never come. Can you confirm?
We’re Alpha testing 11 now but have not set a release date. We prefer to release it when it’s ready.
Just wanted to say that I appreciate everything you guys are doing to keep going with Mark Greaves’s legacy. I’m still very new to Linux, and Peppermint 10 brought back an old Toshiba netbook that I’d almost given up on. It’s been a great introduction to Linux for me – really looking forward to Peppermint 11!
Where i can download Peppermint OS 11 Alpha ?
Hi Sebastian, we’re currently testing a private alpha. It’s not available for public download.
I heard that Peppermintos 11 will not be in Ubuntu base but will be in the Debian base is that true ??? And when it will come out ???
We are developing on a Debian base. We’re currently testing in a private Alpha and don’t have a release date set.
I’ve heard it move to a debian platform is that true??? That the new Peppermint Os 11 will be in the debian 11 base
Yes, We are testing a Debian base for Peppermint OS 11
Hello it’s been a long long long time for Peppemint OS 11 will it be available before Christmas 2021 ??
Please release the Peppermint 11 soon, we would be so glad! PM is the best Linux distro ever, don’t let it down! Hang it there !
Bon courage from France! :)
Please any news on Peppermint 11 release date ?
Yes we will see a beta version at least this year ???
Dear dev. team. Any chance of an update?
We are all waiting in great anticipation!
Keep up the good work!