Peppermint 7 Released

peppermint_laptop_screen_logoTeam Peppermint are pleased to announce our latest operating system Peppermint 7, it comes in both 32bit and 64bit editions with the latter having full UEFI / GPT / Secureboot support baked in, a new version of Ice (our in house Site Specific Browser framework) is also included with full Firefox web browser support as well as Chromium / Chrome.

Peppermint 7 (Peppermint-7-20160616) highlights:-

  • Along with the shift to the 16.04 (xenial) code base, Peppermint 7 continues our policy of choosing the best components from other desktop environments, wherever that may be, and integrating them into a cohesive whole with our own software.

  • This time around whilst staying with LXDE core session management for lightness and speed, we’ve listened to our users who demanded a more modern, functional, and customizable main menu and switched out lxpanel in favour of the xfce4-panel and whiskermenu. We’ve also added a new ‘Peppermint Settings Panel’ to further consolidate settings into one place.

  • Due to Google’s dropping of 32bit Chrome and move to PPAPI plugins (which effectively ends flash support in 32bit Chromium) we’ve now moved back to the Firefox web browser for the first time since Peppermint One. With the Mozilla Prism project long since deprecated, moving back to Firefox entailed a rebuild of Ice (our in house SSB framework application) to allow Firefox to open SSB’s in a similar fashion to Chromiums ‘–app’ mode, so Ice now fully supports the creation and removal of SSB’s for Firefox, Chromium, and Chrome .. we ship with Firefox by default but you can choose whichever of these browsers suits you best in the clear knowledge Ice will still do the business.

  • We have a new look, flatter than previous editions (though not too flat) with a dark gtk theme by default and colorful icon choices, we’ve put together a small collection of images by the brilliant photographer Ray Bilcliff with his kind permission .. If you’d like to see more of his outstanding work, please visit:
    or his Google+ page (photos):

  • Because Firefox is known to have some issues with dark gtk themes on a few websites (such as white text on a white background in the Youtube search box) we’ve locked Firefox to a light theme independent of the system default, so we’ve also created a simple to use ‘Firefox Themer’ application which you can find in the new Peppermint Settings Panel, which allows you to unlock/relock the Firefox theming .. so the choice is still yours.

  • We’ve switched text editors from gedit to pluma because of the odd way gedit now handles windows decoration which leaves it at odds with the rest of the system theming.

  • There are many other small refinements squeezed into Peppermint 7, indeed a definitive and exhaustive list would probably make this announcement totally unreadable and deny you the excitement of exploration and discovery, so why not take it for a spin and see what you can find .. after all that’s half the fun right (?).

    As with previous releases we invite you to compare Peppermint to other operating systems, we are confident you will be impressed. To take Peppermint Seven out for a test drive, please visit our website at where you can download it for free. If you need help installing Peppermint Seven, or have any questions about using it, we have a second-to-none user support team at please drop in even if only for a chat with friendly like-minded people .. hope to see you there.

    About Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS is a software company, originally based in Asheville, North Carolina. Founded in 2010, we are committed to building the best operating system for both enterprise and consumers available on the widest range of devices. To find out more about us, please visit

This Post Has 109 Comments

  1. LinuxCrazy

    Another awesome release. Hope it’s more exciting than peppermint os 6. Thanks a lot to all people working in the PEPPERMINT OS team. In my personal opinion your OS is super stable & super useful. You guys are doing the greatest job in the whole world. God Bless Peppermint Os. God bless open source.

  2. penguineater

    Congrats on the new release! I have no intentions of upgrading anytime soon. I’m still in love with 6.
    I will take 7 for a spin in Vbox to see what I’m missing.
    PeppermintOS rocks.

      1. penguineater

        Thanks for the heads up and the fix. You guys are pros.
        I never did get Skype to work on one of my laptops with 6. Has there been any reports about skype problems with 7? I’m more a hangouts user but occasionally I need skype. Thanks.

        1. Mark Greaves

          It’s best to install Skype by downloading the .deb from the Skype website then simply double-clicking it .. if you have any problems, technical support questions are best dealt with on the forum, please drop in where you’ll get a warm welcome and all the assistance we can muster :)

      2. Myyia

        what are the features of 7 ? and is this user friendly or should more experienced users use it?

  3. LinuxCrazy

    Hey Mark, with peppermint 7 you are definitely upto the mark. Quick question: for how long peppermint 6 is supported

    1. Mark Greaves

      Until April 2019, but you might want to stay on top of the LTS enablement stacks.

  4. Pidus

    Congratulations! Been waiting for it. And thank you for this early release. This shows how dedicated and professional you devs are. Release notes seem good. Whiskermenu was one of the things missing in P6. Very good. Torrenting right now!

    1. Mark Greaves

      Great stuff Pidus, we hope you like it ;)

  5. Greg Zeng

    Like wattOs, Peppermint is one of the two best minimal Ubuntu-based spins, imho. I use it to build my customized system. More remarks later, after testing this version.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks Greg, WattOS is a terrific distribution so we’re in great company there :)

  6. Mike Spooner

    Great effort, esp re Firefox/Chrome. BTW, can you update the “Previous Versions” page to include Peppermint 6, as there is currently no way to obtain it, unlike 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and Ice.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks for bringing that to our attention Mike, we’ve now added Peppermint 6 to the “previous versions” page.

  7. Roy Davies

    Great distro. Everything I need, all in one place, inclding the ‘fuzzy clock’. Had a problem installing LibreOffice from the Software Manager, kept crashing when it reached 50%. Installed it from the terminal command line with no problem. Posted as a bug report. RD

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks Roy, I’ll try to replicate the issue some time this weekend :)

  8. Den Frost

    wow! guys you are the best!
    it is a pleasure to work with your release

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks for the kind word Den :)

  9. marc draco

    Been looking forward to this for a while. I run Mate 16.04 on my production machine (more gadgets, etc.) but I’ve had a hankering to try the new Peppermint because it’s lighter still. Would be interesting to see this on the Raspberry Pi.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Never say never, an ARM port isn’t beyond the realms of possibility .. but please don’t read that as a notice of intent ;)

  10. Josef

    Please when use Peppermint LXQT??

    1. Mark Greaves

      Sorrry Josef, but we have no plans to use LXQt.

  11. RO

    How about making a bunch of Windows 8/10 tablets/convertibles/2-in-1’s more useful with your distro? That requires 32-bit UEFI support, which you appear to be omitting?

    1. Mark Greaves

      We’d be happy to, but non of the team have any 32bit UEFI hardware to test a build on .. I’m afraid we’d rather leave it out than ship with an untested implementation.
      If/when the situation changes, we’ll do a respin ;)

  12. LinuxCrazy

    Hey Mark what’s up. Sorry to say but things are not as fantastic as they were with peppermint 6. After installing peppermint 7 the touched didn’t work but was working perfectly in live system. After updating the system log out & settings not working in whisker menu neither log out options working in xfce panel. Also they are being greyed and not regular icons. So I reinstall the system. This time trapped worked but the other problem remain same. So this time I again download the peppermint ISO but using torrent, follow the whole procedure but didn’t update the system. Now everything is smooth. So what’s the problem? I have Dell latitude D830 laptop.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Did you check the md5sums ? .. at this point it’d be impossible to rule out simple download corruption (specially with the servers having taken such a hammering in the first couple of days since release), torrents by their very nature have hash checking built in.
      Happy to hear your all sorted now though :)

    2. metooo

      I have exactly same problem it looks like a bug, not a “corrupted file” problem as Mark said. Btw did you solved your problem ?

      1. Mark Greaves

        Hi metooo, sorry to hear you’re having problems .. can you please join the support forum:
        and ask for assistance on there stating the exact nature of your problem and we’ll try to get to the bottom of things.

  13. fsk

    I tried the live CD and got flabbergasted by the RAM consumption at idle: 878 MB and 1.5 GB with Firefox having four tabs open.Peppermint 6 was having 194 MB and 570.
    I have a laptop with a Intel 2.1 GHz Core 2 Duo and 4GB memory. What could be the explanation?
    I would, very much like to hear your opinion. Thanks

    1. Mark Greaves

      There’s a problem there somewhere fsk, here’s the output I get from a Live session at idle:-

      peppermint@peppermint ~ $ free -m
      total used free shared buff/cache available
      Mem: 7169 251 6064 40 853 6658
      Swap: 11884 0 11884

      and a screenshot for clarity:-

      Live session memory footprint

      As you can see, the memory footprint is 251MB at idle from a cold boot .. Maybe you could visit the forum where we’ll try to get to the bottom of the problem ?

      Unless you were looking at the figure that includes buffers and caches (853MB above), which isn’t ‘actual’ memory usage, it’s Linux intelligently making use of available RAM and caching what it thinks may be required next to speed up responsiveness of your system .. anything in the caches/buffers is immediately dropped if the memory becomes required by a ‘real’ (user/system called) process.

  14. Ando

    In urma cu 2 ani m-am hotarat sa renunt la windows si sa incerc linux, am incercat Ubuntu 14.04, Linux Mint 17 in ultima vreme dar aceasta distributie de Peppermint 17 cred ca este ceea ce am nevoie . Foarte stabila si fiabila ! Felicitari pentru munca depusa si multe multumiri de la un utilizator din Romania!

    1. Mark Greaves

      Fericit să aud că te bucuri de Peppermint 7 :)

  15. sparky

    Downloaded and tried the live USB. I have to say this is one mighty fine looking Distro. Be prepared for an influx of new users.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks sparky :)

  16. LinuxCrazy

    Hello Mark.
    Things are not working out with 7.
    Switching back to 6.
    Maybe my Dell Latitude D830 have gotten too old for ubuntu 16.04 base.
    Would give it another try with 7 respin.
    Till then,
    Adios Amigo

    1. Mark Greaves

      Okay mate, nothing wrong with that .. Peppermint 6 is as solid as it gets, and is still supported for ages yet :)

      1. LinuxCrazy

        Hey Mark can’t find section for peppermint 6

  17. Addie

    Lovely, really snazzy. I am very happy with Peppermint 7, but I do have an issue I haven’t been able to resolve. I like Whisker Menu, by the way, but the log off button doesn’t do anything at all, nor does my name on the panel. I installed a log off launcher to see if that would work, but no luck. I will keep looking, but I thought you should know. Thanks so much for the beautiful new release.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Hi Addie, sorry to hear you’re having problems .. this problem has arisen on the forum where someone kept a home folder from a previous distro, a fix has been found but I won’t post it here because without asking a few question I can’t 100% guarantee it’s the same issue, so can you please ask the question on our support forum:
      where we’ll be happy to assist .. hope to see you there ;)

  18. penguinforsupper

    7 is freakin beautiful. Love the new backgrounds. Love the theme. Love the icons.

    You can tell Peppermint is a work of love. Thankyou.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thank you penguinforsupper, we appreciate the feedback and are happy to hear you’re enjoying Peppermint 7 :)

  19. Guna

    Congrats on the new release! I’m running 6 in my old pc and it runs wickedly fast. Btw, is it possible to download the newer version of ‘ice’ in other distros?

    1. Mark Greaves

      Ice **should** theoretically work in any distro that follows the desktop menu specification (which should be most), but obviously we can’t speak for other distros implementation of that specification .. Ice is freely available from our github repository, and licensed under the GPL .. so the short answer is YES, but we obviously can’t guarantee it will function as intended.

  20. Akos Paulik

    Is there any kind of mode to upgrade (without installation media) from peppermint 6 to 7?

    1. Mark Greaves

      Sorry but there’s currently no upgrade path from previous versions of Peppermint .. Peppermint 7 will require a full reinstall.

  21. Akos Paulik

    Thanks! You make a very useful distro. Peppermint is my favorite on my older machine.

    1. Mark Greaves

      You’re most welcome Akos Paulik :)

  22. Marco Rodriguez

    Big thank you to the Peppermint team for this release, it is the first time I use this distro and was amazed at how fast it is! I am used to try the distros on a USB installed with UNetBootin with persistence, and after the first boot, installing my preferred software, configuration, personalization, etc., I forget that I am working on a USB!!! Peppermint OS 7 demonstrated that a distro being slick, light and fast does not mean boring or ugly. Thank you very much and keep up the good work.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks very much Marco, great compliment indeed :)

  23. Eric

    I am a new user of Linux. In an effort to leave MS behind after my hard drive crashed recently, I found Peppermint 6. I was intimidated at first having never used anything other than the big 2 OS’s, but after installing it and playing around with it for awhile, I’ve got most of my peripherals working and am totally enjoying turning on my computer, which is something I haven’t been able to say for years. I am so happy to say that I am loving my experience with your Peppermint OS. I’ve been trying to convert anyone having troubles with their computer ever since. Thank you for your hard work and efforts.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks Eric, great to hear you’re getting to grips with Linux and are enjoying Peppermint in particular :)


      I second that positive review! Fantastic job! Kodos to all involved! I told my brother I liked it so so much, I bought the company! Of course, there is no “company” but MSFT might be coming after your code soon!! Don’t let ’em buy you out, please. I can’t afford to buy another OS. The ability to test an external HDD or SSD out of the box is just marvelous!

      Thanks again!

      1. Mark Greaves

        Hi REX,
        As stated on the cover of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy .. DON’T PANIC
        Peppermint is not for sale, and will always be free.
        Many thanks for taking the time to let us know you’re enjoying Peppermint, it’s what makes it all worthwhile :)

      2. Gonzalo

        The majority of Linux and programs code have open-source licenses that prevent a person or company appropriating the source code and prohibiting its free distribution to others.

  24. LinuxCrazy

    My view after using peppermint for half a month.
    Peppermint 7 is definitely beautiful & more responsive than 6. My laptop touchpad was not working because vertical edge scrolling is enabled in live session but after installing it’s disabled by default. Solution was a click away so no big deal.
    Other thing I mentioned earlier was that some options in WHISKER MENU is not working after update. Well, it has nothing to do with update.Actually there is no option in xfce panel to move panel from bottom to top as it is available in lxde. In peppermint 7 when you create a new panel and add whisker menu to it, settings & log out doesn’t work. One more thing to mention is than software centre is not working as efficiently as it is in Linux mint 18.
    Please consider these bugs while releasing the next Respin.
    Again thanks to all peppermint team for the hardwork.

    1. Greg Mueller

      Right-click the panel and select Panel > Panel Preferences.
      In the General section, un-check ‘Lock panel’.
      Once unlocked, a space will show up to the left of the pepprmint icon – use mouse to grab the space and then drag the panel to the top of screen.
      Lock the panel again to prevent accidental dragging.

      1. LinuxCrazy

        You didn’t read it carefully. Plz read it again. I am not asking anyone how it’s done rather than I am telling it can’t be done.

      2. RogerEWu

        Thanks a lot, bro (LinuxCrazy)!
        I was going crazy looking for that option!!!

        1. RogerEWu

          Oh! Sorry!
          I wrote LinuxCrazy intead of Greg Mueller.
          Thanks, Greg Mueller!!!

    2. KarHutWhat

      I thought I was stuck with it at the bottom too. But found you can unlock the panel, then click the far left edge of the bar (left of the menu button) and drag it to the top, then re-lock the panel. Worked like a charm.

  25. Jeremiah Arthur

    does it come with libreoffice?

    1. Mark Greaves

      Hi Jeremiah, Peppermint doesn’t come with LibreOffice pre-installed (it’s our ethos not to make application choices for you) but like any other software it’s VERY easy to install it from within the software manager .. it’s just a couple of mouse clicks away :)

  26. Ruchi

    I can say this is a great light linux os and friendly to newbie like me to try linux os. Kudos to the team and thank you for a great os. Currently on peppermint 7. Having to read thru several forum on the internet to get more in depth on linux, i have found out that it is risky to enable level 4 and level 5 system update which it might sacrifice system stability. Just a suggestions to enable by default up to level 3 system update so newbies like me did not make a mistake in updating unstable update.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks for the kind word Ruchi, however…
      Our update manager is borrowed from Linux Mint who suggest level 4 and 5 updates are “risky/dangerous”, but though we use mintupdate we follow the Ubuntu update policy as Ubuntu are our upstream base distro NOT Mint .. As do Ubuntu we enable ALL updates by default, so we suggest you leave level 4 and 5 updates enabled.
      Disabling them will mean your machine progressively diverges from our reference “norm”, and will not only risk dependency and configuration problems, but will make your system harder to troubleshoot should you ever need assistance on our forum.
      Peppermint has level 4 and 5 updates enabled by default FOR A REASON .. it was NOT an oversight. We don’t consider level 4 and 5 updates risky or dangerous, in fact we consider them necessary, and much more likely to fix issues than to introduce them. :)

  27. LK

    New to peppermint seems like a good system trying to get World Of Warcraft running on it would it bet better to do this off version 6 or 7?

    1. Mark Greaves

      Hey LK,
      Without knowing your hardware this isn’t an easy question to answer…
      Things to consider
      a) If WoW is installed under WINE, well WINE itself will be an easier install in Peppermint 7
      b) An nVidia graphics card will work equally well in Peppermint 6 & 7
      c) If you want to use the proprietary ATI catalyst drivers Peppermint 6 is the only way to go, but in all honesty the open source radeon drivers are pretty much as good .. this doesn’t seem to apply to the ‘ati’ drivers though, so it depends on which ATI card you have.
      If you’re on an ATI card and still need advice your best bet would be to ask on our forum where we can get a list of your hardware and provide a more specific answer.

  28. Everest 7.

    The best Linux security package by far would appear to be ESET NOD32.
    As at May 2015 .Compatible with Debian,RedHat,Ubuntu,SUSE,Fedora,Mandnva, and the majority of RPM & DEB distributions.
    No mention of Peppermint!
    Therefore would you consider Peppermint 7 to be compatible?

    1. Mark Greaves

      If it’s compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 it **should** be compatible with Peppermint 7 .. but if you have any problems, please ask on the forum:

  29. LinuxCrazy

    Hey Mark, how are you.
    I have a query, how can I increase the critical battery level from 20 % to 30 % in power manager

  30. LinuxCrazy

    Never bother Mark, got the answer from ubuntu support.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Sorry LinuxCrazy, for some reason I didn’t get the usual notification about this posting so I’ve only just spotted it.
      The forum is by far the quickest method to get a response .. I’m on there pretty much permanently :)

      1. LinuxCrazy

        Hey Mark I didn’t mean it like that but you didn’t reply for 2 days and 2 days is a long long time. BUT as I have already said you guys are doing the greatest job

  31. Anthony Valentino

    Hello Mark Greaves, I would like to know if you can give me an answer to my problem…. I never did use any of the Linux OS at all, because of the many complications with Microsoft compatible software and few other problems finding drivers for various hardware. I actually use Windows 7pro 64bit on my workstation, however and as far as I know, all my software are windows compatible. I would like to go away from Microsoft due to their spy system, informing big brother and always demanding that Windows 10 be installed. I did downloaded, Linux Mint 18, UBUNTU 16.04 and now did downloaded peppermint 7, but I am afraid of what’s is going to happen with all my software, in addition to that, I would like to know if your OS does install full automatic like Win 7, and if the hardware also install automatic from the disk-dvd just like windows 7. I did tried the old Linux many years ago and I did not understood the so called ( Mounting ) command to install the hardware. I hope you understood what my problem is and perhaps you can advice me before I delete my workstation.
    I thank you very much in advance for your great advice.

    1. Mark Greaves

      It’s highly likely that all your drivers will be installed “out of the box”, but I can’t guarantee this without knowing your machine spec .. it would be helpful if you’d join the forum:
      and ask on there.
      As for your Windows software – NO, it won’t run natively in Linux .. you’ll either have to switch to Linux alternatives / Dual boot Windows / Run Windows in a Virtual Machine / check whether your software will run under WINE .. again, the forum would be best suited to answering these questions.

  32. sagetator

    Este un sistem fantastic, cel mai bun dintre câte sisteme Linux am încercat. Felicitări din România!

    1. Mark Greaves

      Mulțumesc foarte mult, sagetator :)

  33. KarHutWhat

    I installed Peppermint 7 today on an older laptop. Your descriptions of the OS say it runs LXDE. But now that I have it installed the sytem info check tells me it’s running XFCE, which is beautiful but not quite as light as LXDE. Was Peppermint running LXDE in the past? Does your info about the OS need to be updated? Thanks.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Peppermint hasn’t been FULL LXDE since .. well I don’t think we EVER were ;)
      Peppermint runs a hybrid DE where we choose the best components from wherever they come from, we have components from LXDE / Xfce / MATE / Gnome / Cinnamon .. but I guess the core of a “desktop environment” would arguably be session management right? .. in that case we’re still LXDE :)
      We use session management from LXDE, and LXAppearance .. the file manager from Cinnamon (nemo), the panel/menu/window manager/power-manager from Xfce, and the text editor from MATE (pluma), heck we even use the screen lock from i3 .. so yeah, we cherry pick components and then make them work together as a cohesive whole but if a label needs to be hung I’d still say we’re still LXDE at the core (but I guess it really depends on which DE component you think defines a “DE” ?) .. “env” still reports “XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=LXDE” anyway, and we’re still as light as other “LXDE” distros :)

  34. kaberi

    Peppermint 7 looks great but where are the options to change window button position from right to left. thanks in advance.

  35. africana

    Peppermint was I wanted from a distro, i stumbled across Peppermint on Distro watch and gave myself the offerof downloading it, not knowing I was downloading the best OS of my life this far, it was too good, after having tried others, even some upstream releases… And it still amazes me that such work came from Open Source, God bless Open Source and the Open Source community…

    The performance on my pc was exceptional, most Linux Distro hardly last beyond an hour on my pc battery, but with this it took near 3 hours, which made me dump a previous Distro and made Peppermint my primary Linux OS, and will also gladly share it with my friends and clan…

    Peppermint Developers you could not have been better you are the best… Cheers…

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks africana for the compliments and kind words :)

  36. abhishek

    hey guys i am an ubuntu user since 3 years now and i started with ubuntu 12.04lts then 14.04 and 16.04(16.04.1)..
    i stuck with unity due to its simplicity and menu driven dash facility so never complaints with it but as the ubuntu 16.04 realesed it has a serious bug which troubles me alot and so i had formatted my day to day laptop many times so i was looking for other distro with same capability without lag and any serious trouble.
    i tasted many distro in last 6-7 months and finally come to conclude that peppermint is rock solid and giving me lot of happiness without any lag i an quite satisfied with this distro i am very glad and feel proud that i am a pepperminnt user ..never think about to try any other distro in present as well as in future i turned to peppermint fan now thank u so much for your love and support peppermint .. :-)

  37. abhishek

    peppermint is one of the finest and supremely build distro it rocks all the way best distro i have ever tried till now

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks for the compliments abhishek, we’re happy to hear you’re a proud new Peppermint user .. welcome to the clan :)

  38. meyu9999

    Hey guys:

    I stumbled on your distro during a “smash-my-head-against-the-wall” moment (read: websurfing with Windows 10), and thought I’d give it a go (dual boot)……


    I’ve just wiped the recovery partition from my system (bye-bye, Mr. Gates), and doing a dual boot with Peppermint 7 and 6 (I’m hearing nothing but good stuff about both….). As a now former-user of Microsoft products (yes…still in recovery!!), I LOVE this OS……

    I’m looking forward to getting to know both 6 & 7 over time. You guys (and gals) have made it EASY for a Windows user to get comfortable with Linux….



    1. Mark Greaves

      Hi Mey, you’re most welcome, thanks for taking the time to let us know you’re enjoying your journey into the wonderful world of Linux (and Peppermint in particular), much appreciated and heartening :)
      If you ever have any questions, or just want a chat with other members of the community and the team, please drop in at the forum:
      You’ll find some extremely friendly and helpful types there. I’m sure you’d find it worthwhile and a pleasant experience .. we’re rightly proud of the community that has grown up around Peppermint, it’d be great to see you there.
      Again, thanks for the compliments and taking the time to get in touch :)

  39. nirmana

    I found peppermint os 7 very attractive and lovely. Realy a light distro. BTW I have a question. I add a ‘Top Menu’ plug in on 2nd panel(placed on top). but it doesn’t show any menu on panel. I deleted main menu/ whisker menu from this panel. But nothing shows on the ‘Top menu’ plugin. wish i could find some way.

    1. Mark Greaves

      You have to export the topmenu-gtk-module at boot .. this link shows you how to create a script to do that
      BTW, “support” type questions are much better handled on the support forum:
      which is formatted in such a way that responses are easier to understand .. but even if you haven’t got a support question, it’d still be good to see you there if only for a chat :)

  40. Juan Maraber Puertas

    Felicitaciones a los desarrolladores de esta estupendisima distro,muy buen trabajo!!!

    1. Mark Greaves

      Muchas gracias Juan, muy apreciado :)

  41. Ananymous

    Peppermint is great, but for the next version, bring back the simple styled boot screen, because the one currently in Peppermint 7 looks horrible, with the circle in the middle and the rusty background.

    1. Mark Greaves

      This is on the cards, I’m not sure why we added that plymouth screen. It seemed like a good idea at the time but with hindsight…

  42. LinuxCrazy

    Hey Mark, how are you.
    Just a quick question when would there be a respin/point release of peppermint 7 would be available.

    1. Mark Greaves

      The plan is to have the respin ready some time in December ;)

  43. LinuxCrazy

    Hey Mark, how are you.
    Just a quick question :
    When would there be a respin/point release of peppermint 7 be available.

  44. LinuxCrazy

    Where r you mark ?

  45. LinuxCrazy

    Hey r u guys working hard to fix all the irritating bugs in peppermint 7, b/c if u r then the RESPIN would surely be available shortly as the first point release of ubuntu (16.04.1) was already made available on 21st of July.

    1. Mark Greaves

      The plan is to have the respin ready some time in December ;)

  46. Przemek

    I love Peppermint distribution. My adventure with Linux has started after not so pleasant Windows Vista experience roughly 10 years ago. Through all that years I have tried many distros every single one had issues which require time to solve them. Recently I don’t have too much time for tinkering so I decided to go back to the dark side;). Fortunately, I have an old computer on which I decided to install the OS and since then my mouth has remained open. This distro works flawlessly ( maybe except boot screen which doesn’t work properly on the second screen in 4:3 ratio ) Thank you so much for your hard work. I will proselytize this system to as many people as I can. You really deserve more recognition.

    1. Mark Greaves

      Thanks very much for the kind words Przemek, good to hear you’re enjoying Peppermint

  47. africana

    Hi there kindly help me out, when I launch an application and then minimize it, it won’t dock to task bar it will just disappear, i don’t see it run on the task bar as before. Please how do I go about this, either to reset or any but at least to have my running programs visible on the task bar. I use Peppermint OS 7.

    Thank you

  48. David

    Used it for months with no problems,but now stuck in a loop.I enter my password then it flips back to the password screen ???

    1. Mark Greaves

      Sorry to hear that David, can you please raise this on the support forum:
      where we’ll be happy to try help you get up and running again.

  49. Arleth Jakelyn Martinez

    hola, soy una persona que vive en Honduras estoy en la universidad y tengo que exponer sobre Peppermint, y queria que me facilitaran la histotia de peppermint desde su fundacion

    1. Mark Greaves

      Maybe these 2 links will help you build a picture of our history.

      First an interview with the original management team:

      and secondly an interview with me after I took over:

      If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me .. you can usually find me on the forum:
      if you join, and send me a personal message I’ll reply with my email address

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