Hello to all!
In short, we need your help by participating in our Peppermint and Linux Users Survey 2013. There’s all sorts of things that we need your opinion on in many different areas.
Why would you do that? Well, first and foremost, as Peppermint and Linux users your viewpoint on the future of computing, and our project in particular, is very important to us. Just the fact that you trust Linux to be your operating system for either personal or business computing, or both, already speaks volumes about who you are. We like you already…. and now…..we want to peek inside your brain!! Get Started Now
What’s in it for Me? Not only will you feel the scintillating rush of achievement when you complete our short survey, you will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card! Think of all the cool loot you can buy at Amazon with $50! Get Started Now
Anything else you need to tell us? Yes. As I am writing up this post I have decided that I will be upping the ante by offering a few more top secret surprises for some other lucky random surveyors. In fact, I’m tossing in a special prize, a Peppermint Mega-Pack to one lucky, randomly drawn surveyor who opt’s In for our newsletter at the end of the survey. Hows that? What’s the Mega-Pack, you ask? How about a $25 Amazon Gift Card, one Peppermint bootable USB Stick, one signed Peppermint Four installation CD, a handful of Peppermint stickers and whatever else I can find lying around the office? Get Started Now
Thanks to all who participate. We really appreciate your input as Linux users. No matter what distribution you use, we are all Linux…
Shane, Kendall and Team Peppermint
Ranking google and microsoft poor in cloud security due to the NSA shaped back door that exists.
I use cross platform programs wherever possible as I’m dual booting Peppermint and Windows XP
peppermint is the fastest operating system I’ve used. I love the cloud based programs and open source format. Next, i will install it and try to implement peppermint into my company’s workflow, and operation. As a designer and printer, i may never give up my mac, but i have found a free solid solution to office and personal computing.
I took the survey. But I’ve used Peppermint to play around with on USB sticks, VM, and may have used it on an old Laptop if the install hadn’t bombed out. The fact that it fit on a CD vs DVD made a difference for installing it on older hardware that couldn’t boot off of USB or have a DVD ROM. IF I had installed Peppermint for my main system, I’d have added all the other stuff that’s in Linux Mint MATE’. So for my main OS no, it’s not going to be used for that, As an OS for my Netbook, sure. I’ll probably put it on my netbook next time I upgrade it. What I’d like to see, or even better yet, be a part of, would be to see Peppermint put on a one of the little Mini-computers that currently have Android all over them. For $30-$40 bucks, why not make it an OS that’s Pre-Installed on one of these Mini-Computing devices? With Cloud storage, mail, etc as an option?
Thanks for the feedback, Randy. We really appreciate it and we are considering all sorts of options in the future of Peppermint.
Helping these guys along will help everyone concerned about security. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mailpile-taking-e-mail-back
(Not affiliated with them in any way other than I think it’s a great idea & have funded them.)
Offering cheaper shipping rates to Europe for your stickers would be nice also. Twenty dollars for two stickers is insane!
Item total:$2.98
Shipping and handling Shipping and handling: (to ) loading$17.00
Estimate shipping and tax
CancelSelect ship-to country (optional)
Total:$19.98 USD
Thanks for the feedback. And let me express, without expletives, how frustrated we are with international shipping. We have almost been forced to stop shipping USB sticks out of the US due to the shipping fees tripling or quadrupling since May 2013. The issue with the stickers shipping may be due to a bug in the PayPal cart and I will check on that
Thanks for Peppermint. Boot from USB for my daily driver. Win 7 and Mac OS only as needed. I think live boot means I’m stuck with your look and feel, so please keep Peppermint simple, reasonably secure and mouse friendly. P4 back to dark screen. Thank you. Don’t need to change screen color now, but still waste time hiding the panel in the left side wasted space. I love Peppermints minimal lard and clutter. Please don’t mess it up with feature creep.
Thanks for the great work! Took the survey, but did not see options to give you good info on how/why I use Peppermint. For me it is perfect for my 2nd computer: an older laptop I boot up on the road or in the living room. Perfect because it a) boots and runs fast b) is cloud-centric c) looks like it will be around a while. I am also considering switching to it as a base for a volunteer project I do, formatting older computers to ship to 3rd world orphanages. (currently using LMDE XFCE, plus Kiwix/wikipedia & various ed & fun programs) I love the speed and simplicity of LXDE, so have looked for stable distro for potential switch. You’ve built a fine one! Kudos.
Interesting survey. Had problems with one of your questions about why my linux doesn’t offer email. It does. I never ever use it. I log onto my email accounts on Yahoo and AOL (rarely gmail) from three linux pc’s, a chromebook, my wife’s XP’s, my daughter’s & son’s Apples, (when visiting them in Salt Lake City and Australia respectively) Nook HD+, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7″, my son-in-law’s Microsoft something or other, Asus Transformer, you name it. I don’t care if Peppermint has email since I won’t use it. I do use development level linux (or try to) currently saucy on the same pc as the Peppermint 4.
I greatly value simplicity and speed in my OS. Peppermint delivers nicely. Too bad my clients are on Windows, so i need to run Win software for compatibility, and not all of it will run in a virtual box. So I’m stuck with multiple OS. It’s such a relief to get back to Peppermint to find everything runs fast and well. Good work guys!
I love Peppermint’s easy to use interface, lightweight feel, and innovation. I wouldn’t use it as my main OS but for an old computer that i wanted to revive, and for my netbook its amazing. I would use it on any netbook I owned and recommend it to all netbook owners. I hope that Peppermint stays super light and really zeroed in on netbooks, and like someone else mentioned other small computing devices. If you guys want branch into making a main OS go for it, but keep Peppermint light and snappy like it is now…. LOVE IT!!! I give a 10/10
I had tested many distributions looking for a lightweight but functional distribution, something I could use for older computers (tipically Pentium4 Windows XP systems). Wasted time with Puppylinux, Slitaz, WattOS, Xubuntu, PCLinuxOS, and many more; they are all good, but either not really lightweight, or lacking in terms of usability or user friendliness, by the time I customized them so that my clients could use them they were too heavy for the system’s resources. Next I started trying to slim down Ubuntu, or adding packages to Minibuntu, and I was not doing too well, I kept going from under-featured to too heavy for the system. One day I tried Peppermint (version 3 had just come out) and was very happy to see that you had just done it.
Now Peppermint4 is my choice for older systems, and I add one instance of it to any computer where I install Virtualbox. I found that it is often great option for a WindowsXP upgrade, although particularly users with vision problems have a hard time using it (customizing the graphic environment for them is somewhat limited).